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Are hidden patterns keep you stuck? 


Do you ever wonder why it’s so hard to make real progress in your life?  You have goals, you start strong, but somehow, you always find yourself back where you started—or even worse off. The truth is, many of us are unknowingly caught in self sabotage.

Self sabotage is often invisible until we really dig deep. Maybe you’re striving to improve your health so that you can look and feel your best, but instead of making healthy choices you reach for junk food daily. Or maybe you’re searching for that perfect relationship, but find yourself always dating the same kind of toxic man. Or maybe you’re working hard towards financial freedom but can't seem to stop overspending. It’s as though something inside you keeps pulling the brakes on your success, just as you're about to make real progress.

Do you want to know why it feels impossible to break these habits that aren't serving you?

Here’s the kicker: your mind is working exactly as it was designed. Your subconscious is powerful, and it’s running most of the show. The good news is that once you understand how your subconscious works, you can change the game entirely. The blocks you feel—whether in relationships, money, or your personal goals—aren't permanent. They're just patterns. And patterns can be changed.

Imagine what life would feel like if you could break free from those cycles for good. It doesn’t have to be hard, but it does require understanding the root of your self sabotage. When you're ready to dig deeper and finally unlock your true potential, I’m here to help. Together, we can break the cycle, get your subconscious on your side, and set you on a path to the lasting success and happiness you deserve.



Read my story

Programs and Courses


Ditch the Roadblocks (FREE online workshop - SPRING 2025

Do you find yourself talking about doing something for a long time but never actually getting around to doing it? Are you tired of stumbling over the same old obstacles that keep you from reaching your goals? It's time to kick self sabotage to the curb and embrace the life you've always envisioned.

In this 60 minute workshop you'll learn why we self sabotage, how easily it can happen, and what to do about it. When you know what's really going on it's much easier to kick those bad habits to the curb.

Be the first to know when the date is announced!
Reclaim Your Radiance
Group Coaching Program - begins Sunday, September 22, 2024

 Calling all phenomenal women ready to embark on a journey of positive change! Are you tired of feeling weighed down by unhealthy habits? Have you been stuck in repeating patterns for too long that are stopping you from reaching your health and wellness goals?

This six week transformational program gets to the root those self sabotaging habits so that you can release them once and for all! It's time to break free, embrace your inner glow, and ignite a radiant transformation.

Registration now closed
1-on-1 coaching

 My 1:1 coaching sessions are for clients who are looking to take a transformational journey and want the fast track to success! 

No two individuals are alike, and neither are their self-sabotaging patterns. Our sessions are entirely tailored to your unique needs, ensuring that the strategies provided resonate with your individual circumstances. This personalized approach maximizes the effectiveness of the coaching process.

You'll leave each session with an understanding of the subconscious repetitive patterns that are running your life, and be armed with customized strategies to reach your specific goals.

Learn More & Book with Corey
If you are looking for help to stop self-sabotaging and start being your best, Corey is the coach for you.  I immediately felt at ease talking with Corey and was impressed with her ability to quickly identify my self sabotage patterns, explain why they continue to happen and help me develop a strategy to overcome my personal hurdles.  Corey is an empathetic listener able to delve into sensitive topics expertly and discretely.  She doesn't shy away from telling you what you need to hear so that you can discover what is stopping you from being your best everyday.  I am grateful to have Corey on my side helping me make the most of life!  


Sarah M.

The information Corey shared was completely eye opening. I'm so grateful for this program. I've experienced so much change in just a few weeks and now have tools and resources I can use for a lifetime.

The information Corey shared was completely eye opening. I'm so grateful for this program. I've experienced so much change in just a few weeks and now have tools and resources I can use for a lifetime.

Sarah M

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