Unlock the immense power of your mind and leave self sabotaging behaviour in the past.


Hi, I'm Corey

Certified Freedom from Self Sabotage Coach


I specialize in helping women break free from self-sabotaging patterns, achieve their weight loss and health goals, overcome trauma, embrace their femininity and achieve holistic well-being. 

My story

Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you try, you keep getting in your own way? Whether it’s with your health, your relationships, or even your finances, the patterns keep repeating. I get it—because I’ve been there. For years, I struggled with emotional eating, toxic relationship cycles, and feeling like I wasn’t enough. No matter how many diets I tried or how much personal growth work I did, something always pulled me back. It was incredibly frustrating and left me feeling stuck, questioning if real change was even possible.

Then I started to dig deeper. I became fascinated by how our subconscious mind influences so much of our behavior—without us even realizing it. I began reading hundreds of books and spent thousands of hours studying the subconscious mind and psychology to understand what was really going on. I was on a mission to get to the real root of the problem and eliminate it, once and for all. Eventually, I mentored under Jason Christoff and became a certified Freedom from Self-Sabotage coach because I knew I needed to share what I learned with other women who feel as stuck as I once did.

I realized that many of the behaviors that kept me stuck, like perfectionism and emotional eating, stemmed from childhood patterns that once served me but no longer did. These patterns became forms of self sabotage, blocking me from real progress. And the same may be true for you. Maybe you’ve been pushing away meaningful relationships or holding yourself back in your career, all without even knowing why. There may even be a subconscious reason the extra weight is clinging to your body even though on a conscious level you are actively working to eliminate it.

Earlier this year, I had the incredible opportunity to speak at the 2024 canfitpro Global Conference, where I shared how our subconscious programming can keep us blocked from reaching our health and fitness goals. The truth is, the subconscious mind controls most of what we do, and until you understand how it works, you’ll continue to feel stuck. But once you unlock it? Everything changes.

I’m here to help you break those patterns too, and to give you the fast track to success without needing to read hundreds of books or spend thousands of hours studying the topic. Whether it’s in your health, your relationships, or your personal goals, I can guide you toward real, lasting transformation. You don’t have to stay stuck. Let’s work together to get your subconscious mind working for you—not against you—and finally create the life you’ve been striving for. You deserve it.